Key of D
Simple Man, Simple Prayer

Simple Man, Simple Prayer

Simple Man, Simple Prayer @Rick Lang/Troy Engle Lord I know we haven’t talked for quite a while And I sure don’t mean to waste your precious time I’m not one to complain, there’s folks worse off than me I don’t know where to turn, so I’m down here on my knees I been...

Sing Praises To The King

Sing Praises To The King

Sing Praises To The King  @Rick Lang/Sarah Davison/Kristen Bearfield  Chorus Come and lift our humble voices  ‘Til we make the heavens ring Until every heart rejoices  Singing praises to the king  Verse 1 Every time you see a sunset, painted red against the sky  Just...

They Named Him Jesus

They Named Him Jesus

They Named Him Jesus @Rick Lang/Becky Buller Verse 1  One day angel Gabriel appeared at Mary's side Saying greetings highly favored one, you shall bear the child  He shall take the throne of David, and reign o'er Jacobs House  His Kingdom shall be without end, all...

What Song Would You Sing 🇧

What Song Would You Sing 🇧

What Song What You Sing  @Rick Lang/Bill Whyte V1 What gift would you bring, to lay at His feet What song would you sing for the newborn King V2 How far would you go, to fall on your knees  What song would you sing for the newborn King  Chorus  Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

When The Good Lord Speaks

When The Good Lord Speaks

When The Good Lord Speaks  @Rick Lang/Nancy Cardwell Webster  Chorus You won't hear it in the air but you'll feel it in your soul  His words that lift you up and make you whole He'll fill you in on what your missin' When the Good Lord speaks be sure to listen  V1 Adam...

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