Jim Grubbs
The Way Artists Find Songs Is Broken

The Way Artists Find Songs Is Broken

How does a songwriter get a song discovered? Have you heard the story of how the song “Old Man In the Shanty” made its way into the hands of Lonesome River Band and became their first hit? It’s an interesting study in support of today’s blog! During the late 1970s, a...

Why Songwriters Should Be Paid When You Reserve Their Song

Why Songwriters Should Be Paid When You Reserve Their Song

I not-so-recently experienced the thrill of having a song "put on hold" by an artist. I had labored hard over the lyrics and melody to tell a special and meaningful story. I created a "scratch" recording of the song and a chart to communicate the chord progression....

Writing Captivating Song Lyrics

Writing Captivating Song Lyrics

Greetings, songwriters! Let's talk about iconic song lyrics for a moment - and I mean those lyrics that people sing back to you when you mention the title of a song.  The Power of Song Lyrics Try it now with these hits: take note of the first words that pop into...

Releasing a Songwriter Cut

Releasing a Songwriter Cut

Some songwriters seem to have all the tools needed to perform their own creations at a very high level: instrumental prowess, vocal chops, and industry connections. I’m happy for them – but I realize I will probably never be one of those blessed in ALL the ways! ...

The Limits of Networking and Cold Outreach in Songwriting

The Limits of Networking and Cold Outreach in Songwriting

They told me to go down 16th Avenue That I might have a chance to make my dreams come true But I’ve looked everywhere, and I don’t know where they are The one that can make me a country music star. ‘Get in line, buddy Get in line, buddy’ That’s all I heard him say;...

How Fancy Does My Song Demo Need To Be?

How Fancy Does My Song Demo Need To Be?

Greetings, fellow songwriters!  February was a short – but full – month, and as a result February’s post will be shorter than usual.  That said, I wanted to address a question that frequently arises: “Just how fancy does my song demo need to be?” I’ve...

The Pros and Cons of Co-writing

The Pros and Cons of Co-writing

In last month’s blog we explored some ways to overcome songwriter’s block, and I mentioned that co-writing songs is one of the most important suggestions I’ve received – so important, in fact, that I promised to devote my post this month to the topic of co-writing....

Six Tips For Overcoming Songwriter’s Block

Six Tips For Overcoming Songwriter’s Block

Songwriting can seem like an exercise in two extremes. Sometimes the words flow so smoothly you can hardly write them down fast enough – almost as if you’re just transcribing for someone else.  And then there is most of the time…  We’ve all been there: Some...

Are you a songwriter with original music looking for artists to record it? Cick below to get started and submit YOUR music.