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How Fancy Does My Song Demo Need To Be?

How Fancy Does My Song Demo Need To Be?

Greetings, fellow songwriters!  February was a short – but full – month, and as a result February’s post will be shorter than usual.  That said, I wanted to address a question that frequently arises: “Just how fancy does my song demo need to be?” I’ve...

The Pros and Cons of Co-writing

The Pros and Cons of Co-writing

In last month’s blog we explored some ways to overcome songwriter’s block, and I mentioned that co-writing songs is one of the most important suggestions I’ve received – so important, in fact, that I promised to devote my post this month to the topic of co-writing....

Six Tips For Overcoming Songwriter’s Block

Six Tips For Overcoming Songwriter’s Block

Songwriting can seem like an exercise in two extremes. Sometimes the words flow so smoothly you can hardly write them down fast enough – almost as if you’re just transcribing for someone else.  And then there is most of the time…  We’ve all been there: Some...

Why won’t anyone record my song?

Why won’t anyone record my song?

Every songwriter’s dream is to have their music picked up by an artist who loves the song and feels like their fans would too. But sometimes, songwriters spend years trying to get their music in front of artists to no avail. How does this happen? And more importantly,...

Should a Male or a Female Sing On My Demo?

Should a Male or a Female Sing On My Demo?

While it’s always possible to get lost in the details of any new project, sometimes, the details truly matter. And believe it or not, whether a male or female records the vocals on your demo could have longterm implications for your song. Your demo is just as much...

What is a worktape?

What is a worktape?

One of the very first things we need to get started when working on a custom demo for you is a worktape. Don’t know what that is, how to get or make one, or what it should be like? No worries, we’re going to answer all of those questions right here. As I defined it in...

How to Become an Affiliate for

How to Become an Affiliate for

We created to be a “win-win” for everyone in the music industry. And while that might sound like a lofty goal (and it is!), we wholeheartedly believe that it’s possible. If you didn’t know, there are a few important ways that we serve the music...

What do I need to send in to get a demo recorded?

What do I need to send in to get a demo recorded?

When you’ve written your song and need to get a demo created, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared and have everything needed for the studio to do a good job. While every studio has different processes, there are some things you’ll need across the board to make...