LITTLE TALK WITH MY LORD © Bill Whyte Radio Writer-Billy Blue Publishing ASCAP/Rick Lang Haley Anna Music, BMI Orig: 11/10/20 V1 In a little country church there in the back row Sat a young man head in hands all by himself Reverend put his hand on his shoulder Sad son...
Lord Don’t Give Up On Me
Lord Don't Give Up In Me                      @Rick Lang/Josh Shilling  Chorus Lord don't give up on me Was blind but now I see  I'm begging down on my knees Oh Lord don't give up on me There's a bible beside my bed Never opened, never read ...
Make It Count
Make It Count @Rick Lang/Troy Engle V1 When you stop by to visit with a friend Treasure every moment that you spend You may never have that chance again ……make it count V2 When your momma calls, pick up the phone Ask her how things are back home Tell you love...
Make Time For Jesus
Make Time For Jesus @Jim & Lynna Woolsey/Rick Lang Everyone’s in a hurry, seems we’re always on the run Only time to work and worry, we just got to get it done Wrapped up in our struggle we forget the Lord is there Watching and waiting to hear a simple prayer ...
Mountain Fever
Mountain Fever @Rick Lang/Lynna & Jim Woolsey V1 I was raised up in the mountains, near the timber line In an old log cabin made of spruce and pine The sound of rippling waterfalls and clear mountain streams The mountain was our refuge, provided every need V2...
Music In The Mountains
Music In The Mountains @Rick Lang/Troy Engle V1 Daddy’s on the front porch, banjo in his hands Playing a tune his granddad use to sing That old familiar sound makes ‘em gather round And dance while that old banjo rings Chorus There’s music in the mountains...
My Daddy’s Shoes
My Daddy's Shoes                      @Rick Lang When I was just a boy of eight, nights our dad was working late Quietly I'd sneak into his room In the closet on the floor, some of the shoes that he wore I tried on every pair a time or two
Oh Heavenly Light
Oh Heavenly Light                   @Rick Lang Christmas Star shine so bright, up in the distant sky Send down your light so my eyes can see Help me to find my way, until the light of day (Help guide me on my way, until the break of day) For narrows...
Old Country Roads
OLD COUNTRY ROADS © Bill Whyte Radio Writer-BillyBlue Publishing ASCAP/Rick Lang Haley Anna Music BMI Orig: 7/14/21 V1 Sometimes when life makes me crazy I find some time to punch out And take a long three-day weekend And remind myself what life’s about I jump in my...
Old Men
OLD MEN (© 2021 Tim Stafford, Rick Lang, Daniel House Music, Haley Anna Music) V) Old men like to sit all day beneath a tree out in the yard Old men worn out by a life time working hard They remember how it was way back when Thank God for old men V) People passing by...
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